Michigan Rape Insurance passes

This article on the huffingtonpost.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/11/michigan-rape-insurance_n_4428432.html?ir=Politics discusses how this law, which disallows all insurance plans in the states from covering abortion, has now been passed into law.  The only way this law would not apply is if the woman’s life is in danger…meaning: even in the cases of rape and incest, a woman will not be insured for abortion.  Some have even called this legislation ‘rape insurance,’ as it would force some women to anticipate the possibility of being raped with this extra insurance.  Basically, as this article suggests, this piece of legislation is pushing the idea that women should have PLANNED for the possibility of being raped at some point in their life…sick and perverted.  On Wednesday, several females came forward and discussed their own personal encounters with miscarriage and abortion in rather emotional speeches.  Aside from the majority of women blasting Michigan for passing this piece of insurance, several men have also come forward, calling this ‘misogynist.”  State Rep. David Kzenek has said, “This body made up of 80 percent of men will make a decision that will impact 100 percent of women.”

This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDhiXuq6G9E is shown to truly illustrate how sad America has come.  For a woman to have to PLAN to be raped at some point in their lives is nothing less than sick.  These right wing leaders have no sense of the gravity of this rape insurance law.  With a ban for any type of insurance for abortion, your insurance company will no longer have to pay for it…RIDICULOUS.  These right wing conservative members think they are being clever, but again this begs the question ‘WHO PLANS TO HAVE AN ABORTION?” 

Suppose a woman is raped while she is married?  Conservatives practically argue ‘oh well…you should have planned for this.”  I had a lot more hope in America, but with this passing of this legislation, I’m beginning to doubt how bright the future for Generation Y looks.  

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Lawmake reveals she was victim of rape

Michigan State Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer of  bravely announced that she had been the victim of rape in college during a hearing for a controversial bill restricting abortion insurance.  In this bill, women would have to purchase additional insurance coverage for elective abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.  According to Whitmer, this bill is nothing other than ‘rape insurance,’ and as a survivor of rape, Whitmer condemned the entire body for supporting such a bill, calling it one of the most ‘misogynistic proposals,’ even seen in the Michigan Legislature. 

I have to agree with Whitmer.  For the government once more upholding a woman’s right to her own body for rape insurance is just sick to me.  Whitmer illustrated great valor and bravery in expressing what happening, and for that, her confession moved me as I read it.  It saddens me that Michigan went forth with their proposal, regardless of Whitmer. 

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Paul Ryan- “Caught off Guard”

This article http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/12/paul-ryan-budget-deal_n_4431640.html?utm_hp_ref=politics discusses Ryan’ surprise at the opposition put forth by Republicans to the new budget deal.  Again, another big name politician (the other John Boehner) who has grown frustrated with the consensus of the House Republicans.  The deal brokered still did not satisfy the appetites of the House Republicans, and with Ryan and Boehner’s confusion…what will?  This clip from CBS news http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/rep-paul-ryan-on-gop-groups-budget-criticism-we-were-a-little-caught-off-guard/ also discussed how Ryan had high hopes for this budget deal…only to have them taken down and crushed by the opposition of the Republicans.  In the video, Ryan mentioned how they were ‘caught off guard,’ by the opposition…even when Ryan crafted a plan with the notion of the divided government in mind.  This begs the question, will the current state of the divided government advance us towards anything promising?  Judging from what I’ve read and seen from various sources, it seems like most deals do not seem possible to avoid another government shutdown in 2014.   This article from the Washingtonpost http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/12/12/paul-ryan-knocks-rubio-for-early-opposition-to-budget-deal/ discusses Marco Rubio and his initial opposition to the bill by saying how it does not make it easy for Americans to achieve the American dream.  In the video, Ryan looks off camera and simply states how Rubio should ‘read the bill.’  As mentioned by Boehner, Republicans did not even READ the bill before denouncing it.  I too am confused by Rubio’s immediate opposition to the bill.  If he hadn’t even read the bill, how could he make any type of critique based on no knowledge?  His idea that the bill won’t achieve the American Dream…how did the statement hold any water with the idea of READING the idea first.  Ryan’s deadpan response of ‘reading the bill’ before making any conclusions may have seemed clipped, but I too agree.  With Rubio a potential contender for the 2016 race for the presidency, let’s hope that he pulls it together enough to actually read the pieces of legislation before making informed decisions and critiques.  Otherwise, should he nab the presidency for 2016, who knows what other bills he may blindly oppose?

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Obama takes Selfie

This article on the Huffintonpost http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/10/obama-selfie_n_4419349.html?ir=Politics discusses David Cameron , Helle Thorning Schmidt, and Barack Obama’s selfie while at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela.  Here is another link to the image https://www.google.com/search?q=obama+selfie&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=_PypUt-hIsfgsASY84HwCQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=985#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=UQDVm9tYaYw3TM%3A%3BHONltglvhlb3bM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fstatic3.businessinsider.com%252Fimage%252F52a739e76bb3f7751d66bfa7-1200-924%252Fbarack-obama-selfie.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.businessinsider.com%252Fobama-selfie-mandela-memorial-service-david-cameron-helle-thorning-schmidt-2013-12%3B1200%3B900

For this image, Michelle’s expression is priceless, and captures the essence of the inappropriate nature of the image.  First, I don’t remember a president, much less a world leader, employing the use of a ‘selfie’ while at a MEMORIAL SERVICE. And of course, let’s not forget that these world leaders at the memorial service for one of the most iconic, influential figures in history for the South African apartheid. 

Hopefully, this ‘selfie’ will not be used for the years to come.  My one message for President Obama: when you’re fooling around with a ‘selfie,’ find the time at your daughters’ soccer games, or on a date with Michelle.  The idea of ever taking a ‘selfie’ at a memorial service?  Never again

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Boehner Slams Conservatives

This article on huffingtonpost.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/11/john-boehner-budget-deal_n_4425979.html?ir=Politics discusses Boehner’s recent criticism of the Conservative party for their opposition to the newly announced bipartisan budget deal.  Specifically, Boehner criticized the Conservative’s immediate distaste for the legislation before even seeing it.  Boehner’s tone was aggressive, saying that if you’re for more deficit reduction, then you should be for this deal.  Even Boehner is plugging the House Republicans to pass this…a true sign that something has to change.  I’m with Boehner on this one: the House Republicans hold sway with a lot of these deals, and for Boehner to aggressively state that something has to change, you KNOW this is a big deal.  In another article in the Daily Beast http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/12/12/john-boehner-slams-conservative-groups-this-is-ridiculous.html,

When asked about the deal by a reporter, Boehner interrupted with a flash of anger…something that is not always conventional within Congress.  The picture associated with the Daily Beast shows a rather sad-faced Boehner looking downcast, a clear irony with the overall message (anger) associated with the article. 

This article makes me question the Republican base…if they’re coming out against something before even viewing it, then how are we to know if they’ve been repeating this same cycle for other bills?  How reliable can we view the Republican base if they simply come out against pieces of legislation without review?


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Cheney didn’t regret his vote against Nelson Mandela

This article on huffingtonpost.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/05/dick-cheney-nelson-mandela-terrorist_n_4394071.html?ir=Politics discusses how Dick Cheney maintains his idea of Nelson Mandela being a terrorist, the principal reason Cheney chose not to cast a vote for him.  The former president of South Africa died Thursday at the age of 95.  Looking at the credentials of Mandela…and he’s anything but a terrorist.  He helped South Africa out of the jaws of the apartheid, and allowed for greater equality, citizenship, and the right to vote. 

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Americans wants Congress to submit to random drug tests…

According to this article on huffingtonpost.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/02/drug-testing-congress_n_4373472.html?ir=Politics,  Americans want Congress to be given random drug tests while serving.  According to the article, there are more Republicans than Democrats that are in favor of this idea, but both parties overwhelmingly agree on this topic.  Finally, we as Americans can agree on something across party lines, something Congress still lacks.   After the House passed legislation that required food stamp recipients to submit to drug tests, as well as for people who seek unemployment benefits, it only seems fitting that Americans favor Congress to dish what they serve, and pee in that little plastic cup.  I too believe that if Americans favor members of the military and for airline pilots, so to should members of Congress.  Should a congress member even possess a shred of cocaine or other illegal drugs, similar to the rst of Americans, I show no mercy.

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Health Care cost is waning

This article from the New York times http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/03/business/affordable-care-act-so-far-seems-likely-to-cost-less-than-expected.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0


discusses how the cost of health care is seen as decreasing.  Even though Obama’s Affordable Care Act has been met with criticism, one thing’s for sure: the healthcare provision is lowering costs slowly but surely.  

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Healthcare.gov improving!

This article from bloomberg news. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-02/obamacare-website-sign-ups-said-to-reach-100-000-in-month.html


discusses how the Obamacare website collected over 100,000 signups for Healthcare from people.  Finally, the administration has successfully cleared the glitches in time for their self-imposed deadline.  This jump in enrollment spells promise for not only Barack Obama’s administration and the reputation that it carries, but also the attitude Democrats and Republicans carry towards the Affordable Care Act in general.   With this article on bloomberg news as well http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-01/obamacare-website-repair-goals-reached-administration-says.html?alcmpid=politics


The article clearly outlines what went wrong with the website.  In my opinion, it’s time to start spelling out what went wrong with this web site fiasco.  Americans have received more than their serving’s worth of how this Healthcare.gov site came accompanied with many errors.  Yes, we all know that the Affordable Care Act took a massive beating for this entire thing.  But, I think it’s time to retire this issue that continues to make it across every web site, newspaper, etc.  It’s time to stop blaming Obama, or playing the blame game in general, and enjoy the fact that administrative officials actually CARRIED OUT their promise to meet the deadline by December 1.  Let’s all take a moment, and relax. 

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Healthcare.gov website up and running

Finally, according to CNN.com http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/12/01/admin-we-met-website-goal/?hpt=hp_bn3

the Heathcare.gov site appears to be working smoothly.  The Health and Human Services have expressed optimism in saying that they have worked tirelessly in what they define as ‘dramatic repair,’ to get this web site bereft of glitches.  Dramatically improved from the web site’s launch on October 1, the website still has some minor errors, such as error messages and a slow performance…but it’s getting better. Yes, this web site fiasco has many Americans confused and frustrated with our government, but they’re doing what they set out to do: fix the web site and help thousands of Americans with getting health care.  The journey to the solution may have been a little rocky at times…but like all things, the solution is there.  Now, the web site can handle over 800,000 visits a day…far better than what it’s original limit could hold.  In a way, the glitches have proven that more Americans than we thought wanted this type of healthcare system…despite all the dissent and negativity from the other side.

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